Finals Week is FINISHED! Thank goodness; I thought that was never going to be over. Technically it was over with last Friday at 5:30 when I walked out of my last exam, but whatever. We're not being picky. It's the end of Finals Week. Let's just roll with it.
This was a really hard semester for me. I have no idea why it was so difficult, but it was. I've never had to work so hard for maybe a B. Curse you, grad school! I've never actually had to read the textbook before! And oh did I read those textbooks. I read them until I literally went cross-eyed, and then I went to sleep, woke up, and read them some more. Yet after my first exam last Tuesday, I walked out in a daze and called my sister saying, "Tina, I think I'm crying but I'm not sure." She was confused. I was confused. I still don't know how well I did on that exam. Or any of them, actually. All I know is I somehow managed to keep my 3.0 in tact. I don't need to know how I did it, or how well. I just need to know that it's done.
Most importantly, though, I now have nothing to do. And I have no idea what to do with myself. I could take a nap. I could watch TV. I could take a walk. I could make all the recipes I've collected this semester. I could play Sims for like 12 hours. I could read a book. I could work on my novel. The possibilities are endless!
Last Friday, in celebration of The End, my friend Widge came over. We got pizza, and junk food, and watched Disney movies (there are a lot of classics I haven't seen) and pretended not to be 23. It was glorious.
And now I'm looking for internships. According to my mother, I have to take one that's paid. In Greenville, SC, where internships are hard to come by in the first place because beggars are apparently choosers. Good luck to me. If anyone knows somebody that knows somebody that needs an intern, it me up.
Also, someone should take me to see Iron Man 3. Like, as soon as possible.
Introspective post on my first year of grad school coming up soon!