Monday, September 16, 2013

I'm back, y'all!

I feel like I start a lot of blog posts with some variation of, "Long time no post." I'm not going to do that today. I'm not even going to apologize and promise to do better because let's be honest: we all know that that is a lie.

Grad school is back in full force! Classes have been in session for roughly a month right about now, and I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That sounds awesome, but it's not because I also have 2 online classes and a lot of work to get done at all times. The group work is thankfully being kept to a minimum this semester, and 2 out of 3 of my professors have mostly discussion based classes. I don't think I've ever had discussion based classes that weren't upper level language courses. Color me surprised.

This semester, I'm taking the following:
MBA 854: Managerial Accounting
MBA 870: Strategic Management
MBA 888: Internship
MBA 899: Creativity (this is not a joke)
MKT 861: Marketing Research

That's 15 credit hours, which doesn't sound like a lot considering I did 21 all during undergrad, but considering it's the maximum amount the grad school allows.... I'm stretched pretty thin. I dropped one class and replaced it with 899 because it was just going to be way too much work. Only one course requires constant group work, which is great, and I like all of my professors, which is a pleasant change from last year and undergrad. I even tried to hate one of them and couldn't. I hate it when that happens.

I'm still working part time, and will be for the foreseeable future. I'm also debating whether or not I should buy myself a car--let me tell you, that is hands down the most stressful thing in my life right now. I can't decide whether I want to go ahead and spend the money or wait until I have an actual job to take the plunge, I'm vehemently mistrustful of used cars and used car dealers, and we're not even going to talk about Craigslist. Let's not even go there.

I'm also sick. Because the seasons are changing. My face swelled up a bit at work Friday, and I lost my voice after walking from Joy of Tokyo to the car, and from the car to the front door of the office after lunch. One day, I will remember to call and make an appointment with the ENT. Until that day comes, I will suffer.

So that's where I am. I'm really busy, constantly feeling like I'm forgetting to do something, and unable to properly breathe. I do, however, want to add more things to my plate. I want to take up Mandarin again, or German. I want to keep going with Spanish. I want to start working on my book again. I want to start posting here more.

We'll start with the easiest thing: posting here more. What I want to do is start writing posts ahead of time so that I have them in reserve, and all I have to do when it comes time to make a post is hit "publish." Consider this my recommitment  to The BBB, since y'all have missed my wit and whatnots during this long absence :]

Coming up soon:
* Quarter-life crises
* The Job Hunt
* The University of Alabama sorority recruitment scandal
* How do I adult??
and much, much more!