Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obligatory election day post is obligatory!

By now, if we’re friends on Facebook and you pay attention to my updates (which you have to, or else you wouldn’t know about this blog!), you’ve noticed that I changed my profile picture. If you follow me on tumblr, you’ll notice that I posted the same picture there. Let me tell you, I didn’t realize how badly my eyebrows needed shaping until I started photographing myself. Why did no one tell me this? We are not friends. But that’s not the point. This is the point:


That means that I woke up this morning, put on some clothes, and went to the polls! The line at my polling place was in the parking lot when I got there (at 10:30!) but it only took an hour for me to finish. It was kinda sorta a lot cold, but I was standing next to nice people in line and that made it go a little bit faster. I checked my ballot like three times to make sure my selections didn’t mysteriously get changed, I got my sticker and I’m happy. The end.

But not really because I hope you all (my US friends of legal adult age, anyhow) voted too! I don’t care who you voted for (that’s a lie; yes I do, but for the sake of an argument…) !  I just hope you voted! A vote for no one is a vote for the enemy, whoever your enemy is! Do your civic duty! Other inspirational quotes! Yeah!

And if you’re a brown person/general person-of-color of voting age and you didn’t vote for reasons other than you’re dying, in labor, in areas affected by the storm (victims in NY can vote ANYWHERE IN THE STATE, by the way), or unconscious, don’t let me find out about it. Because I will hurt you. For those of you confused at home going, “Lyssa, why would you want to hurt people that don’t vote?” I honestly don’t have enough time left in my life to explain to you why brown folks that don’t cast a ballot need their behinds beat. It would seriously take me that long.

All people of color should vote every opportunity they get. We need to be voting for homecoming queen at high schools we don’t even go to. It’s that crucial.

I don’t really have anything deep or mind-blowing to say today. (But when do I ever?) In the words of my pastor, “I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you to vote for your best interest.” I know who I voted for (and if you know me, you know who I voted for too), and I know I hope y’all know who you’re voting for too, regardless of who it is (okay, that’s the second time I’ve told that lie in this post SORRY I’M NOT SORRY). Hopefully at the end of the night I won’t be deciding where to immigrate. (Y’all think I’m joking. Ask around. I’ve been saying for weeks that if a particular candidate wins, I’m leaving the country. It’s all a matter of deciding where I’m going to go.)

Get out and vote, y’all! I did!

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