I bet you guys are wondering what the heck I've been doing in the 2 months between the last thing I posted and the Trayvon Martin post, haven't you? Well you're in luck, because I'm going to tell you!
First and foremost I finished my first semester of grad school. I was going to write something bittersweet about it, but I didn't have anything bittersweet to say. I did manage to maintain my 3.0, so I'm not kicked out. When final grades came in I literally fell on the floor and rolled around screaming. Ask Jordan. She knows. There may have even been tears.
Then I got a job! I'm working at a nonprofit small business lender as a part-time business finance intern. I've been told several times that my job sounds really boring, and if I was someone else I'd think so too, but I'm surprising myself by liking it! The office is small and the people are friendly and I'm only an awkward turtle 47% of the time.
My mom has put the whole house on a diet because she wants to stop eating Swiss Rolls so much. There's a little more to it than that, but that's what I mostly took away from her reasoning. I can no longer have bread. I've been hungry for a week, and I hate everything. EVERYTHING.
I'm also taking a summer class, which I have never done in my life. Because I grew up in the US education system, I equate summer school with failure. I'm having problems here, people. Some serious mental blocks are being torn down. I'm powering through it though, and it looks like I might get out of Managerial Economics with a decent grade. Shout out to the homie Kevin for putting together an impromptu lesson on derivatives for me! Having math major friends comes in handy.
I'm going through another quarter-life crisis, but more on that another day. In the meantime, please be cognizant of the fact that during July of 2013, I wrote a novel.
Okay, I wrote 1/3 of a novel. But still. I pounded out 50,000 words in 30 days. Any of y'all ever done that before? It was torture, but the kind that hurts-so-good. I fully plan to finish it, and do a lot of editing, and maybe one day I'll try and get it published. We'll see.
That's not quite what I did. I want us to be healthy. A high carb diet will ONLY make us fat and tired (couch potato). A body at rest tends to stay at rest (dead). Too many bad family predispositions. I want more/better for us.