Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Surgery, Stress, and Other Words That Start With S (but mostly surgery)

Last week was tough, y’all.

I got a call from my mom on Monday saying, “Don’t freak out but I’m taking myself to the emergency room,” which, of course, made me freak out. On Wednesday, I had a doctor’s visit and got told I need surgery on my face. On Thursday, I had an accounting test. Have y’all heard me talk about the last accounting test? It was only 6 questions, and I only got around to answering 4 of them. Well, 4.5. Whatever. It was awful. That’s all that matters. See why I had a rough week?

Some of you are probably going, “Lyssa shut up about accounting; what do you mean surgery what’s wrong with your face?” Glad you asked. I went to the ENT last month to see what the heck is up with my sinuses and the ENT sent me to get xrays. Apparently, those xrays show that I have a mass of bone growing into my sinus cavity. If you hadn’t guessed it, that mass of bone isn’t supposed to be there so I have to get it taken out. In the words of my doctor, at least it’s growing up and not out so I don’t have any weird lumps or protrusions. At the same time they take out the bone, they’re also going to correct my deviated septum. My uncle, who’s a dentist, says that this is very normal and not harmful and happens to a lot of people and there’s nothing to be nervous about.

Unfortunately he told me this AFTER I had already had a nervous breakdown in the doctor’s office. I should have NEVER asked cute doctor to explain to me what the surgery entailed. That was horrible.

To be fair to myself, I managed to hold off on the nervous breakdown until I got out of the doctor’s office (but barely). No sobbing in front of the cute doctor, please. But when I say “breakdown” I mean “broke ALL the way down.” It was embarrassing. But seriously, how else was I supposed to react to, “Oh you have a bone chunk-callous-thing in your face that we’re gonna have to cut out; see you next month!” THERE IS SOMETHING GROWING IN MY FACE. I FEEL LIKE I’M IN A SCI-FI MOVIE AND AN ALIEN’S GONNA POP OUT AND SMITE THE EARTH. THIS IS NOT OKAY.

Pretty sure cute doctor knew I was about to freak out, too. I got a very sympathetic pat on the back as I left.

I also may end up with braces after this because my other uncle had this same issue as a kid and he had to get braces. I am not pleased. People already think I’m still in high school. This will not help. But braces or not, I will be out of commission for about a week in December. I actually need to go ahead and call to schedule it, and schedule a consult with the oral surgeon too. Scheduling. That starts with s.

Oh, and if you’re wondering, I got a B on that accounting exam. Success!! That’s another word that starts with s. So does Sleepy Hollow!

Tell me I’m not the only here who watches Sleepy Hollow. It’s on Fox’s Demand channel, so after I got home from the ENT on Wednesday I just kind of fell on the couch and turned it on to make myself stop freaking out. I watched 3 episodes in a row and I’m really impressed with the story building and Nicole Beharie’s acting. Orlando Jones is in it and I love him (he’s from Mauldin!), and John Cho, and I just read an article that Amandla Sandberg is going to be in upcoming episodes as Orlando Jones’s daughter and there are just so many good people in it! I’m excited, okay? I need a new show to replace OUAT and True Blood since those were really the only things I ever turned the TV on for and both have gone to pot.

Also this is super late, but thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday! A mes amis belges/français, merci d’avoir me souhaité un bon annif!

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