Sunday, July 14, 2013

All I'm Ever Going to Say about Trayvon Martin

Hey y'all. Long time no post. I'm slack. I'm know. I'm sorry.

By now, y'all know the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial. If you live under a rock and don't know (trust me, it happens; I've actually had to explain the entire scenario to actual Americans who had no idea what the trial was), the jury acquitted him. He's free to go home and terrorize the rest of his neighbors, nbd.

If that last bit didn't tell you how salty I'm feeling right now, then I'll tell you: I'm feeling really salty right now.

This is all I'm ever going to say on the internet about Trayvon Martin and the George Zimmerman trial:

(Some of y'all might want to close this window, go back to Facebook, and pretend you never clicked this link.)

A kid got shot for looking like he didn't belong in the place where his father lived. And the dude that shot him got acquitted. The prosecution was sorry, if I was the judge I'd have thrown the defense out of my courtroom, and the jury was a guarantee that he would walk. I said it from the beginning.

Y'all want to be real? Alright then. I don't have any faith in 6 people from 2 different but arguably anti-Black cultures to protect a Black child, even if he's already dead. I don't care how many children they have between them. I. Don't. Care.

You mad? Stay mad.

It's good to know that if some wannabe cop douchebro that believes their own hype sees me taking my daily walk and decides I look like I don't belong in my upper middle class neighborhood, they can stalk me, harass me, attack me, and kill me, and someone somewhere is going to dig through my Facebook, find pictures of me flipping the bird or smoking hookah with my kotmates, and send them to the local news as evidence of my inherent thuggishness. It's a real comfort to me to know that no one will ever mention my good grades, academic abilities, regular church attendance, or general goodness on tv, but they will find 5 people who are upset by this blog post and didn't like me in high school/college to say that I was a mean-spirited racist, and to insinuate that whatever I got, I deserved.

That really helps me sleep at night.

And now I have a few instructions.

If you want to say, "Anyone can be an internet activist, Lyssa; why don't you actually do something about it?" get out of my face. I am no one's activist. Y'all ought to know that by now.

If you want to say, "Lyssa that's not fair, I'm [whatever] and my best friend is Black!" unfriend me on Facebook right now. Pointing out your however many friends that you classify collectively as "Others" as evidenced by the fact that you just needed to point out to me that they were Black is not helping you. I've known [whatever] people with Black babies who were still racist. You are dismissed.

If you want to say, "White people die too and [whatever] people get away with it! Not everything's about race!" delete my number out your phone I am not playing with you. If OJ Simpson gets brought up ONE TIME I will not be held accountable for anything that comes out my mouth

And if you even think you might say that George Zimmerman ain't guilty, forget you ever met me. I don't need you in my life.

And that's all I have.

I'll get back to the regular stuff soon because I've actually already started classes again. Shout out to all of y'all in summer session 2! One day this will all be worth it!