Monday, April 29, 2013

Blocus is upon us!

"Blocus" is what they call finals in Belgium. Yes, I know it's been two years since I left Belgium and UCL; be quiet and let me relive my glory days!

Anyway, it's finals week and that means I look properly a mess.

This has pretty much been all I did today: woke up, got dressed, came downstairs, read my finance book, took notes. By "got dressed" I mean put on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. I haven't taken my hair down. I'm not going to take my hair down. I should probably pick out some clothes for tomorrow at some point (it's finals, but dress code still applies) but eh. I'll probably just end up doing that in the morning. I should also do some form of self maintenance this week, but that's probably not going to happen at all.

At one point today, I tried to feed myself and only ended up taking food out of the refrigerator, forgetting that I was trying to eat, and going back to the table. I had read another whole chapter of finance before I realized that I was still hungry.

Yeah. It's that crucial.

I both love and hate finals week. I love finals week because it signals the end of the semester and the start of some kind of break. I hate finals week because, well, finals. Tests make me nervous, and goodness will I be glad when this week is over. My last exam is on Thursday, and Friday after my interview I'm going home, and my friend Widge is coming over so we can celebrate the end of the semester by watching Disney movies and pretending we're not 23. It's going to be awesome.

So good luck to all of you who have exams in the immediate/near future! I'm sure you'll do fine. To all my friends who are graduating, congratulations! And to all of my friends who are graduating and have jobs waiting for them.... Congratulations. I hate you.

I'm kidding, of course.

Only I'm not.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'm slack. I know. I'm sorry.

Long time no see, huh? I know, I know. I'm slack. I haven't written here since... February? And here we are in April. I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'll do better.

Truth is, not much has happened with me since the last time I wrote in. I found out that I'm mildly allergic to seafood but I haven't stopped eating it (I made shrimp Sunday and it was DELICIOUS I have no regrets). I had to drop a class for the first time ever in my entire college career, which was really unfortunate. I lost my voice for 3 days thanks to pollen; nothing new there. I got my friend a birthday card and still haven't sent it. I bought a really cool pair of shoes. I started learning Mandarin Chinese. Life is good.

But now, it's the end of the semester and my professors have gone crazy. I have 2 case studies and a website due. Two of those things have to be done in groups. One of them is due tomorrow. All of this on top of my regular workload leaves me -324235 minutes in my day to sleep, eat, shower, and do other things that humans generally do. I'm tired, y'all.

And on top of that, exams are in 2 weeks. That's right. Two weeks from Thursday, my first year as a graduate student will be over. Expect a long-ish, introspective post on how it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Except for finding internships. Now that is difficult. I'm actually still working on it. If anybody knows somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody who needs an intern, get at me.

Between case studies and internship hunting, I'm trying to get myself a life. Apparently my mom and her bro-friend find it hilarious that I spend pretty much all of the time outside of class in my house, and I am not secure enough in my youth and sociability to have two 50+ year olds mocking me so I've made a conscious decision to do better. Thus far, I've seen my LS and my neo two weeks in a row which is a record because that hasn't happened since undergrad, and I'm going down to Clemson on Saturday for the Eta Nu neophyte presentation. It's exciting because I get to dress up, wear my Africa teekee, and stroll in tall shoes. I couldn't do that (stroll) last week when we went to Upstate because an unfortunate accident left me with a limp, a very sore ankle, and unable to wear tall shoes. I'm not going to tell y'all what happened.

Andrea, if you're reading this you better not be laughing.

I just looked out of the window and it's going to storm. So much for me walking today! That's something else I've started doing since I don't like actual exercise routines. Gross.

Greenville friends, stay dry. And next time you hear from me, I'll have a something a little more substantial to say.